the generated coverage report doesn't contain any data

Vijay Kumar Banerjee vijaykumar9597 at
Mon Apr 16 21:47:14 UTC 2018

On 17 April 2018 at 01:43, Cillian O'Donnell <cpodonnell8 at> wrote:

> On 16 April 2018 at 17:46, Joel Sherrill <joel at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 2:33 AM, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>> current status :
>>> the coverage is running now with rtems-test and generating the report,
>>> however, the report doesn't show any data.
>> I've been lurking as you have been making progress. Now you have crossed
>> into something you probably need some hints at. Some things to check:
>> + Obviously, check output for signs that something didn't happen right.
>> Anything from a path wrong, etc. The configuration has to be right to
>> point to the source code, object code, executables, etc.
>> + A lot of source code has moved around since last summer. Check
>> that it is looking in the right places inside RTEMS.
>> + Does the mechanism to get debug information actually work? Cillian?
> The covoar debug option just disables the cleaning of the tempfiles to
> take a look, so it's not as powerful as it might seem :)... I always used
> gdb here so that's probably the way to go.
>> + There is a utility named trace-converter. Make sure your qemu traces
>> have information in them.
>> + Cillian probably has guidance on running it just on one test (say
>> ticker)
>> so you can see every step.
>> + Check that the executables have symbolic information. "file" should
>> show if they are stripped or not.
>> I recall covoar has a verbose mode which should be of use.
>> Cillian .. do you have instructions on running covoar in gdb?
> Alright so run rtems-test with --no-clean option to leave the coverage
> files lying around
> $HOME/development/rtems/test/test/rtems-tools/tester/rtems-test
> --rtems-tools=$HOME/development/rtems/5 --log=coverage-analysis.log
> --rtems-bsp=leon3_qemu --coverage --no-clean --rtems-builddir=$HOME/development/rtems/leon3
> sparc-rtems5/c/leon3/testsuites/samples
> Then run
> gdb covoar
> from gdb prompt
> run -S /home/cpod/coverage_test/leon3/coverage/score.symcfg -O
> /home/cpod/coverage_test/leon3/test/score -fQEMU -Tsparc-rtems5
> -E/home/cpod/development/rtems/test/test/vijay/rtems-
> tools/tester/rtems/testing/coverage/Explanations.txt -c.cov -eexe
> -pRTEMS-5 /home/cpod/development/rtems/leon3/sparc-rtems5/c/leon3/
> testsuites/samples/base_sp/base_sp.exe
> The options there are ( if you're wondering )
>  -v                  - verbose output
>  -T TARGET           - architecture target name
>  -f FORMAT           - simulator format
> (RTEMS, QEMU, TSIM or Skyeye)
>  -E EXPLANATIONS     - file of explanations
>  -s SYMBOLS_FILE     - symbols of interest
>  -S SYMBOL_SET_FILE  - path to symbol_sets.cfg
>  -1 EXECUTABLE       - executable to get symbols from
>  -e EXE_EXTENSION    - suffix for executables
>  -c COVERAGEFILE_EXT - coverage file suffix
>  -g GCNOS_LIST       - list of *.gcno files
>  -p PROJECT_NAME     - name of the project
>  -O Output_Directory - output directory default=.
>  -d debug            - disable cleaning of tempfiles.
maybe the problem is here . I am getting an error for the -S . Here are the
list of options that show up , capital S for symbol_set_file is not one of
them .

Usage: /home/lunatic/development/rtems/5/bin/covoar [-v] -T TARGET -f

  -v                        - verbose at initialization
  -T TARGET                 - target name
  -f FORMAT                 - coverage file format (RTEMS, QEMU, TSIM or
  -E EXPLANATIONS           - name of file with explanations
  -s SYMBOLS_FILE           - name of file with symbols of interest
  -1 EXECUTABLE             - name of executable to get symbols from
  -e EXE_EXTENSION          - extension of the executables to analyze
  -c COVERAGEFILE_EXTENSION - extension of the coverage files to analyze
  -g GCNOS_LIST             - name of file with list of *.gcno files
  -p PROJECT_NAME           - name of the project
  -C ConfigurationFileName  - name of configuration file
  -O Output_Directory       - name of output directory (default=.

> Just trying it there, it runs into segmentation fault. So trying to access
> memory it shouldn't.
> Starting program: /home/cpod/covoar -S /home/cpod/coverage_test/leon3/coverage/score.symcfg
> -O /home/cpod/coverage_test/leon3/test/score -fQEMU -Tsparc-rtems5
> -E/home/cpod/development/rtems/test/test/vijay/rtems-
> tools/tester/rtems/testing/coverage/Explanations.txt -c.cov -eexe
> -pRTEMS-5 /home/cpod/development/rtems/leon3/sparc-rtems5/c/leon3/
> testsuites/samples/base_sp/base_sp.exe
> Reading configuration symbol set file: /home/cpod/coverage_test/
> leon3/coverage/score.symcfg
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 0x00007ffff7b769bb in std::__cxx11::basic_string<char,
> std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char,
> std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) ()
>    from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> Ahhh feels good to have error messages back.
> Oh also build covoar with no optimization and you'll have an easier time
> looking at stuff in gdb
> cd rtems-tools/tester/covoar
> vim wscript and change the '-O2' to '-O0' and then build again with waf
> and use that covoar to with gdb
>>> -- vijay
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