BSP for pico and microzed

Chris Johns chrisj at
Fri Jul 31 23:47:47 UTC 2020

On 1/8/20 6:35 am, Christian Mauderer wrote:
> On 31/07/2020 22:26, Joel Sherrill wrote:
> first a confirmation from my side: I had to do with a customer board
> that used a Picozed 7030 just recently. It worked well. If you need a
> more detailed configure line, I can look it up.

I tend to agree. I work on a custom build of hardware with only 256M so we need
a custom option. I wonder how much easier this will be in the new build system?

> I don't think that adding more BSP variants would be an optimal solution
> if no adaption is necessary for a specific variant. That will only lead
> to a longer build time if you want to build all BSPs.

Yes, the PS is the same on all variants of the Zynq, it is only the size of the
PL that varies. However custom hardware can vary things like DRAM set up which
is part of the boot loader and another whole topic.

> How about adding a bit more information like a list of boards the BSP
> can handle in the user manual? 

That would be nice. A key issue to address is the ps7_init file in the boot
loader. If you use the standard binary build of uboot for your device you maybe
OK but you need to be careful with the GPL license if you ship the device. In
the case of the pico Xilinx (Avnet?) have (or had) not made public the uboot
source in the normal places like they have for the micro. I have not checked the
petalinux source bundle simply because it is gigs in size but I suspect it is
hidden in there. If it is not then it is a simple GPL license issue for them.
The sources for the pico MIO need to be extracted and merged to the upstream uboot.


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