[rtems commit] untar: Make behavior similar to GNU or BSD tar

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Thu Dec 9 21:09:22 UTC 2021

On 9/12/21 6:47 pm, Christian MAUDERER wrote:
> Hello Chris,
> sorry that I haven't been clear enough.
> 1. The ticket #4552 that I created before sending the patch to the list and that
> was closed by the patch was for 5.
> 2. I asked as an answer to Joels review and I understood him that he is OK with
> that change:
>   https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2021-December/070092.html
> and
>   https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2021-December/070093.html

Again sorry I missed this when I brushed over the emails.

> Do you want me to revert that patch on 5?

It does change the expected functionality and we should be careful about doing
that. It is not clear if someone has relied on it working this way as a cheap
way to detect an overwrite. I am fine on RTEMS 6 because of the upgrade and a
ticket in the release notes covering the change however if it breaks in a dot
release then that is a different issue.

Given it is in maybe we let it sit and it there is feedback we come back and
take another look?


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