Erwin Rol erwin at muffin.org
Thu May 25 19:18:58 UTC 2000

"Michael P. Collins on korat" wrote:
>   Has anyone using a Linux distribution other than Redhat found
> success using the RPMs on the ftp site?  I know of a package
> called alien which (IIRC) allows packages from various distributions
> to be converted/decoded/whatever so they can be installed on
> others, however I haven't tried it.  In my case, I use Debian
> distributions.  In the past, I've built from source successfully,
> but the option of installing pre-built binaries is attractive.
>   Until the ".deb" packages are available, would the RPMs do me
> any good?

Think i saw the .deb's already.

- Erwin

BTW: Suse and mandrake _should_ have no problem with RH RPM's.

>                                         -- MC --

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