M-Systems Flash Disk compliance.

Eric Valette valette at crf.canon.fr
Thu Nov 16 08:53:08 UTC 2000

Chris Caudle wrote:
> >Hmmm, I originally thought that the DOC was
> >an IDE device;
> No, the Disk-On-Chip is just a standard integrated circuit package that you
> connect to a memory bus.  The usual method of connection is to the ISA bus in
> a PC architecture.

No really : you have two version for M-System DOC and DOM. DOM is really
IDE compatible and requires no specific drivers... At least this is what
I was told when trying to buy a PC board to test theses modules...

  /  `                   	Eric Valette - Canon CRF
 /--   __  o _.          	Canon Development Europe Team Leader
(___, / (_(_(__         	Rue de la touche lambert
				35517 Cesson-Sevigne  Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)2 99 87 68 91	Fax: +33 (0)2 99 84 11 30
E-mail: valette at crf.canon.fr	http://www.crf.canon.fr

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