Possible bug in confdefs.h

Tim Riches tim.riches at westbridge-design.co.uk
Mon Aug 6 16:22:34 UTC 2001


Line 431 of c\src\exec\sapi\include\confdefs.h does not appear to initialise the last element
'fatal' when neither CONFIGURE_INITIAL_EXTENSIONS or STACK_CHECKER_ON are defined.

I haven't seen a problem, just noticed it when rooting around.

Tim Riches
Principal Design Engineer

Westbridge Design Ltd
Hurst Barns, Hurst Lane
Privett, Alton
Hants, GU34 3PL

e-mail: tim.riches at westbridge-design.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1730 828111
Fax: +44 (0)1730 828123

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