Nonblocking- IO on sockets

Camilo Alejandro Arboleda camilo.arboleda at
Thu Aug 9 13:23:26 UTC 2001


I have tried this code to have non blocking io on sockets (this is an echo server):

   char buf[64];
   char *cbuf;
   unsigned r;
   struct timeval tv;

   fd_set active_fd_set, read_fd_set;

   if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) { /* set nonblockin mode */
      perror("fcntl F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK");
   /* Initialize the set of active sockets. */
   FD_ZERO (&active_fd_set); /* */
   FD_SET (fd, &active_fd_set); 

   cbuf=buf; r = 0;
   do {  /* Reading loop */
      read_fd_set = active_fd_set;
      tv.tv_sec = 0;
      tv.tv_usec = 100000;
      r = select(fd+1, &read_fd_set, NULL, NULL, &tv); /* Wait 100ms for activity */
      if (r && FD_ISSET(fd,&read_fd_set)) { /* if socket is readable */
         if ( (r = read(fd,cbuf,1)) <= 0) { /* read 1 byte */
      } else { 
         break; /* Break if no more bytes */
   } while (1);
   write(fd,buf,r); /* return message to client */

If I understand how select works, select should return 0 if client does not send any byte after 100ms (it woks that way in linux)., but rtems select doen't.

In the other hand the line:
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) 
should make socket nonblocking, but I am still having a blocking IO!

Some ideas?


Camilo Alejandro Arboleda.

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