NetBSD has bioscall() function

Thomas Bocek draft at
Mon Aug 27 11:17:48 UTC 2001

Chris Johns wrote:

>Thomas Bocek wrote:
>>Chris Johns wrote:
>>>Thomas Bocek wrote:
>>>>Here is my suggestion: Copy the linux code into the start16 file, ....
>>>Please do not copy Linux code. It is GPL and so cannot be become a part
>>>of RTEMS.
>>Why not? RTEMS has a lot of GNU tools.
>The GNU tools are not part of RTEMS kernel. They run on the host
>development machines and are not embedded in the final product.
>The license is a modified version of the GPL that allows commercial
>usage. A number of people use RTEMS in closed source commercial products
>and cannot link to GPL code.

Is the license compatible with bsd? (netbsd, freebsd)

Thomas Bocek

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