Problems installing gdb-bdm

Claudio Imberlina imberlina at
Mon Apr 29 11:02:12 UTC 2002

 I was trying to install gdb-bdm and gdb-5.0. I have problem installing =
gdb-5.0, after patching with gdb-bdm, the make file complain for a =
directory "BDM" ( -lBDM ), and cannot complete the installation.

When I installed gdb-bdm ( I am using an ICD cable ), during the =
installation everything was OK, but when I try to check the driver as =
root with ./chk /dev/bdmicd1 ( on LPT2 ) it complain about BDM not open, =
when I use /dev/bdmcpu321, it comunicate with the board but it can not =
test the registers and storp after D00, an emit a message like =

Any Idea, I will apreciate very much your help

Thanks in advance

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