jtm at jtm at
Thu Jan 31 05:40:03 UTC 2002

I'm considering RTEMS for an ARM based board and was wondering how
complete the ARM support is. I know I'll have to do a BSP, but
what about basic ARM support? I see a BSP based on the ARM7TDMI;
will that work on an ARM9 based design without a lot of modifications?

Also, what tool configuration should be used to build the arm_bare_bsp
target? arm-rtems? arm-rtemself?


Jay Monkman	    The truth knocks on the door and you say "Go away, I'm 
monkman at    looking for the truth," and so it goes away. Puzzling.
		     - from _Zen_and_the_Art_of_Motorcycle_Maintenance_

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