howard howard at
Thu Nov 21 06:59:40 UTC 2002

hi all.
    I am using snapshot "rtems-ss-20021111".
    My configure options are below.
    ../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --target=arm-rtems 
    --enable-posix --disable-itron --enable-networking 
    --disable-cxx --enable--rtemsbsp=arm_bare_bsp 
    and the result are :
    ... ( omit )
    checking for
    configure:error:no acceptable cc found in $PATH
    configure:error:/bin/sh '../../../../rtems-ss-20021111/c/make/configure' failed for c/make
    sed:can't read confdefs.h: No such file or directory
    I've installed gcc-3.2.tar.gz 
    and there is confdefs.h in the directory where I run my configure.
    why compiler can't find the confdefs.h ?

    Please help me !
    Thank you in advance.

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