Web Server Demo Program

Mike Siers mikes at poliac.com
Wed Feb 26 15:51:47 UTC 2003

I am trying to get the http demo up and running.  I am
using RTEMS snapshot 20021118 and network demos 20021018.

The http task (rtems_httpd_daemon) first calls to get the
host name (gethostname) and then calls to get the host
address (gethostbyname).  The gethostbyname() function
is failing.  I have added an entry into the rootfs/etc/hosts
file for my host name but when gethostbyname() does an
fopen() on the host file, the fopen call fails.  I have my

Any thoughts or hints on how I can get the http demo to 
work would be greatly appreciated.

Mike Siers

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