RTEMS on Altera NIOS processor

Steven Grunza steven_grunza at ieee.org
Thu Oct 2 14:04:01 UTC 2003

For what it's worth we looked at both the MicroBlaze and the NIOS for a 
project here.  Neither had the performance we needed (we ended up using a 
hardcore processor) but in comparing MicroBlaze to NIOS, the NIOS seemed to 
be a few years ahead of MicroBlaze in terms of usability and readiness for 
production use.

   We use Altera logic here, not Xilinx, so I may have a slight bias 
towards Altera stuff but the MicroBlaze V2.1 really seemed to be too early 
for production use.  MicroBlaze V2.2 completely broke the development 
station.  YMMV but I recommend trying it before buying it...

At 02:02 PM 10/1/2003 -0600, Brett Swimley wrote:
>Xlinx has their MicroBlaze processor and associated GNU tool chain 
>available from their website.  I believe there is a ucLinux port out there 
>for the MicroBlaze.
>I looked into it a bit about a month ago as an option for us but it looked 
>a bit premature for our use, as I recall.
>Eric Norum wrote:
>>Has anyone out there looked into the possibility of running RTEMS 
>>applications on a NIOS embedded (on a FPGA) processor?
>>If nothing else, it already has a good project code-name (ROACH - RTEMS 
>>On A CHip)!
>Brett Swimley
>Advanced Electronic Designs
>brett.swimley at aedinc.net
>ph: 406-585-8892 fax: 406-585-8893

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