AW: make problem with cygwin
Haberhausen, Dierk
Dierk.Haberhausen at
Fri Aug 27 07:32:40 UTC 2004
yes it was the LIB setting.
I use Microsoft Visual Studio and so the LIB was set by me too.
I overwrite the LIB setting when I start cygwin and
now I can build with no multiple target errors!
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Martin R. Calsyn [mailto:martin at]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. August 2004 19:08
An: Ralf Corsepius
Cc: Haberhausen, Dierk; RTEMS Users
Betreff: RE: make problem with cygwin
Ahh - having $(LIB) set could be it. If you have almost any version of
Microsoft Visual Studio installed, LIB and INCLUDE will be set in global
environment variables and make will pick up those settings.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ralf Corsepius [mailto:ralf_corsepius at]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 8:57 AM
To: Martin R. Calsyn
Cc: Haberhausen, Dierk; RTEMS Users
Subject: RE: make problem with cygwin
On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 17:13, Martin R. Calsyn wrote:
> I ran into this same problem. The 'multiple targets' error is a bit
> misleading. I solved the error by removing the .PRECIOUS
> on or immediately before the line indicated (567 in your example
> I encountered this in perhaps six makefiles and each time it was
> by removing a dotted makefile directive.
> I haven't dug deeper into why this is happening - it seems to be an
> incompatibility with the 'make' packaged in cygwin.
> I haven't submitted
> deltas because I don't have enough confidence that this is a proper
> or just a workaround for cygwin weirdness.
I am pretty sure it is not. Conversely, I am pretty sure it will do harm.
I'd guess, the cause is Dierk having $(LIB) or $(ARCH) set in his
${ARCH}/%.$(OBJEXT): sapi/%.c
${COMPILE} -o $@ -c $<
${ARCH}/%.$(OBJEXT): rtems/%.c
${COMPILE} -o $@ -c $<
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