Thread question

Steve Holle sholle at
Tue Dec 14 15:34:04 UTC 2004

After doing some checking, we discovered that all threads but one 
block.  My solution was to disable timeslicing and make the one thread that 
is non-blocking a lower priority than any of the blocking threads.  This 
seems to be working well.

At 11:25 AM 12/13/2004, Angelo Fraietta wrote:
>Kenneth Peters wrote:
>>I'd love to submit something, but I know I won't have time to put 
>>together something reasonable in the near future (though if no one has 
>>done it by the time I might have a chance, I'll keep this on my list). My 
>>modified rtems_task_mode() is a very kludgy way to do this; I think it's 
>>harmful to just slap extra parameters into the function calls.
>I remember we talked about this last year. I saw this same thing happen 
>with ATI Nucleus back in 2000 (except they did not know what was causing 
>the problem)
>You could place a rtems_task_wake_after 1 where you require the thread to 
>relinquish. That should get you out of trouble for the time being.
>Let us know how it works out for you
>Angelo Fraietta
>PO Box 859
>Hamilton NSW 2303
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Steve Holle
Link Communications, Inc.
1035 Cerise Rd.
Billings, MT  59101
sholle at  

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