RTEMS dyanmic RAM consumption

Chris Johns cjohns at cybertec.com.au
Mon Jul 5 23:56:11 UTC 2004

Etienne Fortin wrote:
> Question: How much dynamic RAM do I need for
> 1) RTEMS (termsio, ethernet, clock, etc...)

Not sure about these.

> 2) TCP/IP stack

The TCP memory usage is for the internal structures for the stack, eg 
the routes, interfaces and its various pieces of data. The stack also 
uses memory for socket related data, and finally the mbuf pool. These 
values all depend on the number of sockets, or the complexity of the 
routing table. Typically the biggest user of memory is the mbuf pool. 
This size effects the performance (you must send little bits of data at 
a time) and the ability to handle large incoming bursts from faster more 
powerful hosts.

 > I'm afraid 64 KB may be short for all this. Is my impression correct?

Hard to say without knowing your requirements, but my impression is it 
is not enough memory.

 > Should I add some SDRAM to the system in case 64 KB is too small?

It would place less risk on your design.

  Chris Johns

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