DOSFS problems

Chris Johns cjohns at
Wed Mar 10 06:14:57 UTC 2004

Adriano Verardo wrote:
>  * the final 55 AA signature on the HD MBR is sometimes absent (00 00)

I have seen this before when the IDE timing was not correct. The first 
part of the sector read was ok, but the end failed and returned 0.

> - the MBR of the install floppy seems always to be "regular"... why it 
> is not reproduced (with the obvious changes) on the HD ???

I would suspect the harwdare.

> Is there any other rtems-user who had a similar problem ?

Yeap, wrong IDE timing.

> Using very standard but quite old HW can be a problem ?

Any chance you can try a different IDE controller ?

  Chris Johns, cjohns at cybertec . com . au

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