I386-PC586 on Dil/NetPC
Valentin Buergel
simtec at datacomm.ch
Wed Jun 22 09:13:22 UTC 2005
Thanks for answering!
I checked bsp.h but could not find anything relevant to
from 1 to 2. Does still not work.
I use RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH=/opt/rtems-4.6/i386-rtems/pc586 to compile
I realized that hello.exe does not work in bochs as well. Therefore I
downloaded the grub144.gz image again that contains the hello.exe. Hello.exe
from grub144 runs fine in bochs! I copied the hello.exe from grub144 to my
GRUB-image. This runs fine too! But I realized the following:
Hello.exe on grub144:
- Size 65.2KB
- Loads as "NetBSD-a.out"
Hello.exe on my GRUB-image:
- Size 120.7KB
- Loads as "Multiboot-elf"
Why does the hello.exe on grub144 image have another format ("NetBSD-a.out")?
Is this relevant to my problem? What do I have to do to get the
"NetBSD-a.out" format?
Any help is welcome.
Best regrads, Valentin Buergel
Am Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2005 02.38 schrieb Chris Johns:
> Valentin Buergel wrote:
> > I am new to RTEMS. I successfully build and installed RTEMS for the i368
> > hardware. But I am not able to run the hello.exe application on the
> > embedded hardware.
> I assume this is the pc386 BSP.
> > There is no video therefore I enabled RTEMS_RUNTIME_CONSOLE_SELECT in
> > console.c. I also adapted iqr.h to fit COM2 (IRQ11 instead of 3). RS232
> > is connected on COM1 and COM2 and I watch on minicomm but nothing
> > happens.
> Did you also change BSP_CONSOLE_PORT_CONSOLE in bsp.h ?
> > The last thing I see from GRUB is:
> >
> > # Booting 'Hello-World'
> > # kernel (hd1,1)/hello.exe
> > # [Multiboot-elf, <0x100000:0x1d584:0x2e48>, shtab=0x121140,
> > entry=0x10000c]
> This looks fine.
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