I386-PC586 on Dil/NetPC

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Thu Jun 23 02:11:43 UTC 2005

Valentin Buergel wrote:
> I checked bsp.h but could not find anything relevant to 
> from 1 to 2. Does still not work.

This is what I get looking at the 4.7 source in cvs. I am sure it is the 
same in 4.6:


> I use RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH=/opt/rtems-4.6/i386-rtems/pc586 to compile 
> hello.exe.


> I realized that hello.exe does not work in bochs as well.


I have found printk has a few problems. For example I found this code works:

  printk ("test: %d", 12345678);


  printk ("test: %5d", 12345678);

failed with a crash, lockup or moving cursor. If we have code in the BSP 
or RTEMS which triggers this sort of bug a crash might occur. Maybe your 
hardware is triggering this bug. I found it by booting a working 
application on a box with 1.25G of RAM. I was printing the amount of RAM 
in KBs.

If someone knows the printk code in libcsupport and could take a look it 
would be welcome. I have raised PR808.

> Therefore I 
> downloaded the grub144.gz image again that contains the hello.exe. Hello.exe 
> from grub144 runs fine in bochs! I copied the hello.exe from grub144 to my 
> GRUB-image. This runs fine too! But I realized the following:
> Hello.exe on grub144:
> - Size 65.2KB
> - Loads as "NetBSD-a.out"
> Hello.exe on my GRUB-image:
> - Size 120.7KB
> - Loads as "Multiboot-elf"
> Why does the hello.exe on grub144 image have another format ("NetBSD-a.out")? 

Not sure. I wonder if it is built with older tools sets.

> Is this relevant to my problem? What do I have to do to get the 
> "NetBSD-a.out" format?

I do not think so. I can download with the latest grub loading as 
multiboot. I have a 1GHz PC with an eepro card with an on board PXE 
loader. I use it to load grub over the network then grub to load the 
image also over the network. It is a multiboot-elf image.

  Chris Johns

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