New version of GDB Macros file

Paul Whitfield paulw at
Wed Aug 2 07:49:45 UTC 2006

Joel Sherrill wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been tinkering for a while with the set of gdb user defined
> commands and am ready to post a new version.  I think it is a
> significant improvement over previous iterations.  It now knows
> about more object classes including:
>  + Classic API semaphores,
>  + Classic API message queues
>  + Classic API regions
>  + POSIX API semaphores
>  + POSIX API mutexes
>  + POSIX API message queues
> It can now display the set of tasks waiting on a thread queue
> as well as information on the C program heap and RTEMS Workspace.
> There are utilities to print the timer delta chain and to do
> some basic checks on dispatching critical sections and ISR nest
> level consistency. All in all, there are now about 25 documented
> commands and it should be more clear on how to add more.
> Until we figure out how to incorporate it in a more accessible
> fashion, it is still at:
> And is attached to this email for posterity.
> FWIW gdb user defined commands are not that hard to write.  If you
> find yourself chasing an RTEMS data structure, please write a new
> command and add it to the set.  It really helps us all in the long
> run.

Hi Joel / All,

I would like to make use of these macro's as I am chasing down a
difficult to find uart bug.

However, I am doing something wrong as I can not get them to work for

I am using RTEMS 4.6.5 on Coldfire.

Gdb version is 6.0

It appears that gdb does not understand the definition of  the 
Thread_Control structure.

Any attempt to cast a pointer in gdb fails with the same

Any suggests as to what I can do to fix this?



Example output:

(gdb) rtems_check_state
RTEMS System State is:
NOT inside dispatching critical section
NOT inside an ISR
(gdb) rtems_classic_tasks
  # | Name |    ID    | Pri |  Ticks   | State
No symbol "Thread_Control" in current context.
(gdb)(gdb) rtems_classic_message_queue 1
  1 | LCDQ | 22010001 | 0/10 msgs   FIFO - No symbol "Thread_Control" in 

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