MPC5554 Rtems port

John Wood jwood at
Tue Aug 15 18:22:21 UTC 2006

I have recently started working with the Motorola MPC5554 processor and was 
wondering if anyone is currently working on a port to rtems.  I am using the 
Phytec PHYCORE-MPC5554 module for development.  
I have built a toolset based on GCC3.4.4 since this is one that I had sources and 
patches for and made what I believe are the necessary changes for rtems
I created target for the compiler powerpc-rtemsspe modeled on the powerpc-eabispe
target I got with my developement kit.
I am currently working with version 4.6.6.  
What is the current state of the current branch for rtems and tools regarding spe 
extentions for the ppc family?  Is this a processor that you would be interested in having
a port?
I am just getting my head wrapped around what is necessary.

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