Coldfire questions

Alan Cudmore Alan.P.Cudmore at
Tue Jan 10 16:25:42 UTC 2006

I downloaded this coldfire-0.3.0 simulator and tried it out. I got  
one of the standard uClinux ports to run on it, so my setup works.
Next, I built the RTEMS 4.6.2 mcf5206elite BSP to try it with the  
"lite-5206e" simulator configuration. It looks like the simulator  
download command is assuming a certain memory address for the  
download ( DL ) command. It wants to load the code at 0x10000, but  
the RTEMS BSP is targeting the RAM for 0x30000000. ( which is  the  
correct range for the real board )
To make it work, I think we would have to tweak the simulator to load  
the code to the correct memory range.

I think I missed this, but does the SkyEye simulator support the  
coldfire architecture?


On Jan 9, 2006, at 2:44 PM, Joel Sherrill wrote:

> Karel Gardas wrote:
>> On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, Joel Sherrill <joel at> wrote:
>>> Karel Gardas wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> IMHO lite-5206e.board from the simulator might support  
>>>> mcf5206elite BSP.
>>> is this only at the original source for the coldfire simulator?
>> I'm refering to: 
>> coldfire-0.3.0.tar.gz
>> SkyEye integration might be buggy as it is quite new...
> OK.. I have built it and can invoke it as
> ../coldfire --board=lite-5206e
> But I don't see how to download.  The instructions on the page talk  
> about telnet'ing to two ports and then entering the dl command but I
> don't see how that would work.   Am I being stupid?
>>> Looking at the source, I see that this file arch/coldfire/common/ 
>>> board.c
>>> has what appears to be a hook for the Arnewsh board but I don't  
>>> see any obvious way to configure it.
>>> FWIW .. why does this take gtk2-xll to build?  I have only run  
>>> SkyEye as a command line program.
>> gtk2 is used for LCD emulation.
> OK.  Then I am not missing any fancy features. :)
> --joel

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