Mount IMFS from CD

Chris Johns chrisj at
Tue May 16 08:32:12 UTC 2006

robe0413 at wrote:
> I am trying to mount a file system into memory from a bootable CD and I am a bit
> unclear on how to do this. The CPU is a i386 and BSP is pc386, where I am using
> the bootloader GRUB to execute the RTEMS image.

Do you have RTEMS booting from a CDROM ?

> 1. Is the IMFS implementation the best course of achieving this?

This creates a file system in the memory of the target. You would need 
to populate this file system with the default files from the CD to be of 

> 2. To the best of my knowledge I beleive that I need to create a file system
> image and store it onto the CD, where it can then be mounted by the RTEMS. If
> this is the correct course of action, how do I go about mounting the file
> system image from the CD?

You can do this by creating a tar file of the files you want and linking 
it to your application. You then untar the tar file into the IMFS to use 
the files.

RTEMS currently does not support CDROM file formats.

> 3. If the above is not the correct course, can someone please point me in the
> right direction.

I see no difference between a single bootable image on CDROM and a 
single bootable image in a flash device. It should be possible.


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