Input buffers that generate interrupts on changes

Chris Caudle chris at
Wed Nov 15 18:50:44 UTC 2006

> any important transitions.  I am looking for suggestions for chips
> that would not only allow reading the state of inputs in that way but
> would also provide a way to trigger a Coldfire interrupt on any
> transition.

I don't know of any parallel buffers which provide that, but I2C I/O
expanders can have that option.  The NXP (formerly Philips) PCF8574 and
PCF8575 have that feature, and Microchip sell a pre-programmed micro that
acts like an I2C expander as MCP23016.
If you want to keep the current parallel access device, you could always
hang a cheap PIC off the lines in parallel, which did nothing but loop
through reading the bits, and generating an interrupt on change.  Should
only add about $0.50 to $1 extra, and the program should be about a dozen

Chris Caudle

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