
John Pickwick john.pickwick at free.fr
Wed Apr 4 18:50:47 UTC 2007


on that thread, after Jiri's last message, it is unclear to me if there is 
still a problem for LEON2 BSP in the official 4.6.5 release (from RTEMS 

Please can someone clarify this point, thanx


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joel Sherrill" <joel.sherrill at oarcorp.com>
To: "Thomas Doerfler (nt)" <Thomas.Doerfler at imd-systems.de>
Cc: <rtems-users at rtems.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: rtems_semaphore_obtain

> Thomas Doerfler (nt) wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi,
>> Some while ago we had a thread on the rtems mailing list which might
>> handle your problem. We found out, that gcc takes the liberty to move
>> some memory accesses that should occure between the irq disable/enable
>> calls to a location before or after the irq disabled section. Try
>> looking for a keyword like "memory barrier" on the mailing list archive 
>> :-)
> This was my first guess also but it fails with the edge of the 4.6 and
> 4.7 branches
> as well as using events for synchronization so it is most likely not the
> barrier problem
> again.
> --joel
>> wkr,
>> Thomas.
>> Johan Zandin schrieb:
>>> Sergei Organov  writes:
>>>> "Johan Zandin" <johan.zandin at space.se> writes:
>>>>>       _Context_Switch( &executing->Registers, &heir->Registers );
>>>>>       executing = _Thread_Executing;
>>>>>       _ISR_Disable( level );         -----+
>>>>>                                           |  Region where
>>>>>    }                                      |  an occuring
>>>>>                                           |  interrupt
>>>>>     _Thread_Dispatch_disable_level = 0;   |  causes problems
>>>>>                                           |
>>>>>     _ISR_Enable( level );            -----+
>>>> But how interrupt can occur when it's disabled in this region?! If
>>>> _ISR_Disable()/_ISR_Enable() don't work on your target, you have hard
>>>> trouble anyway.
>>> The HW interrupt occurs but is left pending until ISRs are enabled,
>>> so the ISR does not execute until somewhere within the _ISR_Enable call
>>> (in the first cycle when ISRs are enabled in the CPU again).
>>> /Johan
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> Johan Zandin                      Software Engineer
>>> Saab Space AB                     Phone: +46-31-735 41 47
>>> SE-405 15 Gothenburg, Sweden      Fax:   +46-31-735 40 00
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
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>> - --
>> - --------------------------------------------
>> IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik
>> Thomas Doerfler           Herbststrasse 8
>> D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
>> email:    Thomas.Doerfler at imd-systems.de
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