Does RTEMS support PXA320?

Ray xr at
Wed Aug 1 15:27:10 UTC 2007

I believe that there are no xscale BSP. You may need to port a new of your own.
You can refer the online document for help (BSP and porting guide). Xscale is similar to ARM and this may easy the development.

Thanks & Best Regards!

From: Sang Won Yoo
Date: 2007-08-01 08:00:47
To:   Amalaye Oyake
CC:   rtems-users at
Sub:  Re: Does RTEMS support PXA320?

>>Thanks for the response.
>I have tried to look for the thread, but I haven't.
>Can anyone point me to the thread?
>Thanks in advance.
>SW Yoo
>On 7/31/07, Amalaye Oyake <amalaye.oyake at> wrote:
>> This is one of the newer XScale processors (an ARM variant). RTEMS people
>> -
>> What is the status of the RTEMS XScale BSP? Can one simply use the ARM
>> BSP?
>> Can someone please list the general issues in getting an XScale BSP
>> developed. I think there was a thread about this a while back if I
>> remember.
>> Sincerely,
>> AO
>> ________________________________________
>> From: at
>> [ at] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Sang Won Yoo
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 10:24 AM
>> To: rtems-users at
>> Subject: Does RTEMS support PXA320?
>> Hello RTEMS gurus,
>> I am new to this list to start with RTEMS for my new project.
>> The CPU on proejct has been determined to use PXA320. But not yet
>> determined
>> for RTOS.
>> After Ireviewed several RTOS, RTEMS is good enough for the project. But I
>> am wondering if RTEMS
>> supports the CPU, PXA320 now. If so, please let me know where I can start
>> with RTEMS.
>> Thanks for your attention.
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