libi2c register bus follow up

Thomas Dörfler Thomas.Doerfler at
Wed Oct 29 09:20:53 UTC 2008


since libi2c generates device nodes dynamically (and not only based on
the device table), you need the "big" IMFS when using the libi2c.


Bassem Fahmy wrote:
> i was trying to register an i2c driver to the libi2c and it was falling when checking for the /dev/i2c node. finally i used the define
> CONFIGURE_USE_IMFS_AS_BASE_FILESYSTEM, which should enable the whole IMFS filesystem. after that it seem to be working ok.
> now, my understanding is that we need only the Mini IMFS to get the driver nodes to work. does libi2c really need the full IMFS to work or i have some thing else wrong?
> Thanks,
> Bassem
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Thomas Doerfler           Obere Lagerstr. 30
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