Rtems for a space project

Massimo Tipaldi mtipaldi at cgspace.it
Wed Jan 14 14:35:21 UTC 2009


how can integrate your Makefile with yours?

My makefile is (taken form Rtems examples4.9.1):


# optional managers required

# C source names
CSRCS = test.c
COBJS = $(CSRCS:%.c=${ARCH}/%.o)

include $(RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH)/Makefile.inc
include $(RTEMS_CUSTOM)
include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/leaf.cfg


all:    ${ARCH} $(PGM)

$(PGM): $(OBJS)


Sebastian Huber ha scritto:
> Massimo Tipaldi wrote:
>> I have analysed the makefiles inside the tree 
>> (testsuites/samples/hello), what an effort...
> I tried it once and it was a nightmare.  Fortunately it is not needed if you
> only want to figure out the tool options for a particular BSP.  Just use a
> Makefile that does this for you (like the one I have posted previously).
>> I have noticed this definition (used in i386-rtems4.9-gcc):
>> GCCSPECS =  -B$(PROJECT_ROOT)/lib/ -specs bsp_specs -qrtems
>> I have tried to adapt the Makefile.inc in this way:
> [...]
> If the standard make facility does not work something with your RTEMS tools or
> MinGW/MSYS installation or BSP configuration is wrong.  There is no need to dig
> into the *.inc and *.cfg files.  This will not help you in the long run.


Eng. Massimo Tipaldi
Technical Directorate
SW Principal Engineer

Carlo Gavazzi Space SpA
Via Tiengo, snc - 82100 Benevento BN - Italy
Tel: + 39 0824481733
Fax: +39 0824481730
e-mail: mtipaldi at cgspace.it

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