qemu + uC5282 (was Re: Converting RTEMS ELF files into Linux bootimages)

Till Straumann strauman at slac.stanford.edu
Wed Sep 9 05:58:48 UTC 2009


I was able to hack qemu so that the uC5282 BSP can be run.
I tested 'hello.exe', 'ticker.exe' and my usual, pretty
complete 'GeSys.exe' application which includes the cexpsh
shell and full networking.

1) patch qemu-0.11.0-rc1 to add some missing features,
   some dummy-registers and a bug-fix.

   The following hardware is (partly) emulated:
     - interrupt-controller
     - 3 UARTs
     - 4 PITs (timers)
     - reset controller (software-reset)
     - FEC ethernet (MIB counters not implemented)

2) patch the uC5282 BSP (patch has already been added to RTEMS HEAD)

build qemu

mkdir build-m68k
cd    build-m68k
../configure --target-list=m68k-softmmu

Run qemu using the RTEMS ELF binary:

m68k-softmmu/qemu-system-m68k -M uc5282 -nographic -kernel hello.exe

-- Till

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