sh architecture, "hello" sample doesn't work

Alberico Colpo alberico at
Tue Jun 29 14:16:53 UTC 2010

martedì 29 giugno 2010, 15:47  ha scritto:
> Hi Alberico,
> >> I remember i enabled the redefinition of CONSOLE_DRIVER_TABLE_ENTRY in 
> >>
> >>     
> Thanks! This almost worked. However it only seems to apply to rtems 4.9; 
> in 4.10, this redefinition is not there to be enabled, and when I 
> copy/pasted it in, it still did not work.
> With rtems 4.9, when I tried this, SCI0 spit out some garbled 
> characters; using the debugger to step up to just before starting the 
> user application, I checked that the baud rate register was what I 
> expected, so I know I shouldn't have the baud rate incorrect here...

You probably already checked, but , is also the parity correct?
> Also, the readme leads me to believe that gdb should receive a message 
> after exit from the rtems application, but it never gets there; in fact 
> the gdb stub at this point stops responding, and the chip needs to be 
> reset. This suggests to me that either the gdb stub is hanging up, or 
> rtems has modified the baud rate or something else related to SCI1 after 
> running the application.
> Getting closer, though!
> Cheers,
> Steve
I cc mailing list may we get more help..

Well, after the hello.exe test I rewrote the console driver:
having only 2 SCI, I'm using SCI1 for both as console and debug port, so I 
have all the console io functions inside the BSP path.
I'm not aware of  the changes in console driver for rtems-4.10 (still working 
on 4.9).
Anyway, I'm still having some problems (i think mostly configuration problems) 
in getting the termios driver to use the interrupt driven functions.

I think your debugger hang because the startup code of rtems will reassign the 
vector table, you need to replace the stub traps (at least 32, 33 , 34 and 
NMI) before the change of VBR occurs.

Alberico Colpo

acquacontrol automazioni s.r.l.
Via 2.a strada 151 ZI 
Tel. 0444673084 Fax. 0444673798
36071 Arzignano (VI)


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