[GSoC] Progress Report: Resource reservation framework port to RTEMS

Petr Benes benesp16 at fel.cvut.cz
Mon Jun 13 17:26:58 UTC 2011


My project deals with a resource reservation framework FRSH/FORB 
(formerly called FRESCOR) being ported onto RTEMS. This framework 
simplifies development of distributed applications in real-time.

In order to have a possibility to reserve a portion of CPU (as one of 
the resources), a complex scheduling policy has been developed. It 
consists of per thread time servers scheduled on EDF basis.

The EDF (Earliest Deadline First) scheduler in its simple version is 
planned to be merged into RTEMS. At the moment I am deploying the 
conceptually working EDF into RTEMS source tree. Moreover, new Red-Black 
trees which are shortly in RTEMS are utilized.

Since my laptop with prepared toolchains burned down, I got a little 
delay. However, I want to deliver a working EDF as an optional scheduler 
in a few oncoming days for a revision.

Bc. Petr Beneš
mail  : benesp16 at fel.cvut.cz
web   : www.petben.net
mobile: +420 774 990 750
icq   : 286131561

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