Debugging with Eclipse

Mohammed Khoory mkhoory at
Thu Feb 7 00:32:33 UTC 2013

> No. The sis bsp is only for the simulator in gdb.

I see, thanks for the clarification.

> Erc32, leon2 and leon3 can run on tsim. There is an evaluation version on
> Gaisler's website
> Leon2 can run on qemu but I haven't done that personally.

I eventually gave up with getting eclipse to run with the simulator in gdb,
and I just downloaded TSIM, and it's working fine now if you combine it with
the LeonIDE that Gaisler also offers, despite the fact that it's still
debugging with gdb (though in this case it is connected to an external
simulator). I guess this means the issue isn't fixed yet though.

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