Eclipse and Target Output

Ralf Kirchner ralf.kirchner at
Wed Jan 30 09:18:03 UTC 2013

I am seeing exactly the same problem and also would be interested in a
My eclipse version (with C/C++ CDT) is:
Juno Service Release 1


	Ralf Kirchner

Am 29.01.2013 15:22, schrieb Joel Sherrill:
> Hi
> I have been trying to learn more Eclipse so I can answer questions.
> I have managed to get a working hello world for sparc/sis. That much
> was easy. But when you run it in gdb, there is no output. So some
> questions:
> + How to see the output from a simulator built into gdb?
> + How do you all configure to Run not Debug?
> + Any advice on external simulators like qemu, tsim, skyeye, etc
> + Any other good advice?
> It would be great to move the Wiki beyond installing Eclipse into
> including more advice. I am sure you all are smart enough to have
> answers. :)
> Thanks.

Embedded Brains GmbH
Ralf Kirchner          Dornierstr. 4
D-82178 Puchheim       Germany
email: ralf.kirchner at
Phone: +49-89-18 94 741-17
Fax:   +49-89-18 94 741-08

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