Porting an embedded application to an RTEMS

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Tue Mar 12 01:16:12 UTC 2013

manish jain wrote:
> Thanks Chris for your response.
> What hardware are using ?
> Are you referring to the examples of devices being used by the application?

Sort of. Do you have a specific piece of hardware your application is to 
run on ? If not there are available boards that may help you here. This 
depends on IO you need to interface to.

> Does a BSP exist for that hardware and did you run the examples on that
> BSP ?
> If I am right(I am completely newbie here), BSP is written for an
> specific OS but the application which we want to port does not  use any
> operating system at all only "C" but it supports two different
> architecture(STM32  and LPC21xx) and has drivers for this architecture
> and for many "mcu" peripheral like "I2c and SPI". And when I looked at
> the architectures supported by RTEMS I was not able to find any port for
> this two processor.

The STM32 and LPCS21xx processors are ARM based so this means you are 
are look at the arm-rtems architecture. I am not across all the variants 
of the processors or boards in RTEMS they support. Other are so I will 
let them answer.


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