GSOC Project:Porting Rock to RTEMS

Sambeet Panigrahi sambeet161616 at
Sun Apr 24 19:52:39 UTC 2016

Hi, I am Sambeet Panigrahi. I am a GSOC student working on the project of
porting Rock to RTEMS.I am grateful to the RTEMS community for all the
support during the last few months of preparation and in particular  to my
mentors Joel Sherill and Gedare Bloom for all the help.

I am currently in 3rd year ,enrolled in a 4 year Bachelor's Degree course
in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in IIIT,Bhubaneshwar. I started
working on embedded systems 4 years ago in my 1st year of engineering
specifically for robotics applications. I have worked with ATMEGA, Arduino,
Raspberry Pi, Netduino for a variety of projects.I started working on real
time systems as a part of my coursework and am still a learner in the
field,curious to know more and more:)

My project is to improve the existing port of Rock to RTEMS.Rock is a very
popular robotics framework with a large library of components and packages
pertaining to the needs of robotics developers.Its one of the most highly
used software by ESA along with RTEMS.

As a part of this GSOC 2016, I will pick up from where the last SOCIS
project left and continue to make the port better by adding recipes to
RTEMS Source Builder an Rock's Autoproj.This would decrease the toil
involved in the port.  Further I would also port useful libraries of Rock

I am now going through the existing scripts from the old port and will soon
proceed to my first step of adding RTEMS support to Orocos.

I would like to congratulate all my fellow GSOC students.Happy Coding!:)
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