Failure in building libxml for rtems

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Mon Aug 8 14:42:41 UTC 2016

I see two things. First, you are using the 4.12 version of RSB, this
shouldn't matter much but it might if you build your compiler from
there. Second, you provide the wrong --rtems-bsp= where you have added
"with-", so the parser doesn't know what to do.

On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 6:04 AM, Sambeet Panigrahi
<sambeet161616 at> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I am trying to build libxml which is a dependency for Rock on rtems.I have
> created the buildset file and the configuration files as mentioned in the
> RSB documentation.I give the following command from my shell
> $ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=log_libxml_log
> --prefix=/home/sambeet/NewRockPort/x86/Install/rtems/4.11.0-rc3/
> --host=i386-rtems-4.11 --with-rtems-bsp=i386-rtems4.11/pc486 textproc/libxml
>  and I get the output
> RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, 4.12 (5a4af9013998 modified)
> Build Set: textproc/libxml
> config: textproc/libxml2-2.7.8.cfg
> error: config error: rtems-bsp.cfg:27: No RTEMS target specified:
> --rtems-bsp=arch/bsp (or --target=target)
> Build FAILED
> Build Set: Time 0:00:00.006336
> Build FAILED
> Even though I specified the BSP, I also tried --with-rtems-bsp=pc486 still
> it gives the same error. i am also attaching the contents of the version
> specific .cfg file
> #
> #LIBXML2_2.7.8 1
> #
> %if %{release} == %{nil}
>  %define release 1
> %endif
> %include %{_configdir}/rtems-bsp.cfg
> #
> #libxml version
> #
> %define libxml_version 2.7.8
> #
> #Patch for RTEMS support
> #
> %patch add %(_patchdir)/libxml.diff
> #
> #libxml build configuration
> #
> %include %{_configdir}/libxml2-2.7.8.cfg
> How can I resolve this?
> Regards
> Sambeet

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