Doubt about interrupts in xilinx zedboard BSP

Thomas Doerfler thomas.doerfler at
Tue Apr 18 07:28:47 UTC 2017


what kind of interrupt source do you have? I assume that the intterrupt
source keeps it interrupt request active, until you have done something
in the interrupt source registers that makes the interrupt inactive again.

Example: If you interrupt source is a UART receiver, the interrupt
request usually stays active until you have pulled all the received UART
bytes from the UART receive data register...



Am 18.04.2017 um 09:24 schrieb Sergio Paracuellos:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to exec some code over xilinx-zynq zedboard. The code tries
> to make use of interrupts. I am installing the interrupt routine for the
> interrupt vector  using rtems_interrupt_handler_install routine which is
> seems the correct one for this board. When the interrupt is trigered the
> handler is correctly called but it becomes in a infinite loop status
> when the interrupt is being handled. So is obvious that i am doing
> something wrong. The pseudo code for this is like the following:
> #include <bsp.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <rtems/irq.h>
> #include <rtems/irq-extension.h>
> volatile int seq;
> void MyInterruptHandler(void *arg)
> {
>     puts("Interrupt handler called\n");
>     seq++;  
> }
> rtems_task Init(rtems_task_argument argument)
> {
>     rtems_status_code sc;
>     sc = rtems_interrupt_handler_install(
>                            INTERRUPT_VECTOR_NUMBER,
>                            "MY_INTERRUPT",
>                            RTEMS_INTERRUPT_UNIQUE,
>                            (rtems_interrupt_handler) MyInterruptHandler,
>                             NULL
>            );
>      if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)
>      {
>            puts("MyInterruptHandler -> rtems_interrupt_handler_install()
> error: %d\n", sc);
>            exit(-1);
>       }
>      puts("Waiting for messages...\n");
>      /* wait for five interrupts to be triggered */
>     while (1)
>     {
>           if (seq == MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESSAGES)
>               break;
>      }
>      puts("Max number of messages retrieved\n");
>      exit(0);
> }
> The result is:
> Waiting for messages...
> Interrupt handler called
> Interrupt handler called
> Interrupt handler called
> Interrupt handler called
> Interrupt handler called
> Interrupt handler called
> Interrupt handler called
> ....
> Enters in a infinite loop calling the interrupt handler....
> This similar code runs for me in other OS, so i am a little lost. Also,
> I couldn't find any example of using interrupts for zedboard.
> What is missing in this code?
> Thanks in advance,
> Cheers,
>     Sergio Paracuellos
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embedded brains GmbH
Thomas Doerfler
Dornierstr. 4
D-82178 Puchheim
email: Thomas.Doerfler at
Phone: +49-89-18 94 741-12
Fax:   +49-89-18 94 741-09
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