How to reduce the RTEMS BSP build time

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Fri Dec 7 09:12:40 UTC 2018

Hello Amarnath,

On 07/12/2018 07:36, Amarnath MB wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a noob to RTEMS. Currently working on developing an RTEMS 4.11 
> BSP for a new SOC based on ARM926EJS.

for new BSPs I strongly recommend to use the master branch and not a 

> I have taken lpc32xx_mzx as the reference BSP and I was able to 
> successfully build the BSP in Ubuntu 16.04 using the steps in
> RTEMS user manual.

> Below is the time taken for completing each step in BSP building:
> 1. bootstrapping takes 20 mins,

If your Ubuntu machine has only one processor, then it is not much you 
can do to speed things up.

You can use the sb-bootstrap command of the RSB:

> 2. configuring takes 3 mins

It is not much you can do to speed things up here. I guess you have a 
slow mass storage.

> 3. make takes 18 mins
> 4. install takes 4 mins

You can try to do a parallel build, e.g.

make -j $(nproc)

> When I give a make after adding some changes in the start.S file, the 
> changes are not reflected in the hello.exe sample.
> I need to give a clean and then a make to have the changes reflect in 
> the hello.exe, as a result, each make takes 18 mins
> which is very huge compared to other builds like u-boot.
> Is there a way that I can reduce this build time?

The RTEMS master is a bit faster if you do a parallel build. I would 
develop BSPs outside the main RTEMS sources and when everything is 
finished integrate it in the RTEMS tree.

> Thanks in advance for all your support.
> *Thank you & Regards,*
> *Amarnath MB *
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