jtag access for zybo zynq board

Kent Dorfman kent.dorfman766 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 13:48:57 UTC 2019

While not an RTEMS specific question, hopefully someone can give me
some options.

I have a digilent Zybo 7020 zynq board that has a USB/JTAG interface
on board and I need to access the board through the JTAG to configure
the flash, install u-boot, and breakpoint debug images (which will
eventually be RTEMS, not linux)

I can find NO INFORMATION ANYWHERE about accessing the USB/JTAG except
through the xilinx Vivado SDK (a commercial, paid license product).

I want free open source linux hosted options for what I need to do:
specifically a command line JTAG monitor program that recognizes the
hardware and allows me to script simple commands to the interface.

The interface shows up on the host as:

Bus 001 Device 015: ID 0403:6010 Future Technology Devices
International, Ltd FT2232C Dual USB-UART/FIFO IC

What are my options?


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