Error when building rtems

Richi Dubey richidubey at
Sun Mar 8 10:43:53 UTC 2020

Hey everyone,

(Sorry if this is a repost, I don't even if the earlier one went or not)
I am new to RTEMS development environment and I needed someone's help.

I downloaded rtems and the rtems source builder usnig curl command given in
documentation. But now when I am running ../source-builder/sb-set-builder
--source-only-download 5/rtems-sparc inside the
rtems-source-builder-4.1103/rtems, I am getting the following error:

RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, 4.11.3
error: exe: not found: (__makeinfo) /usr/bin/makeinfo
error: host build environment is not set up correctly

Can someone help me out with this please?

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