I2C for raspberry pi 2 error

Mario Palomares palomares.mario14 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 17:25:16 UTC 2020

I'am currently trying to make a program that reads and writes through the
i2c serial communication. The problem is that when i try to initialize GPIO
header through the funciton "rpi_setup_i2c_bus()" I get this error:

assertion "rtems_semaphore_obtain(gpio_bank_state[bank].lock, RTEMS_WAIT,
line 500, function: gpio_multi_select

That function is provided in the file "/bsp/i2c.h". If you look at that
function it just calls other two

       - rpi_i2c_init(): Sets the GPIO header for I2C
       - rpi_i2c_register_bus("/dev/i2c",DEFAULT_BUS_CLOCK): Sets up the
bus on the device              "dev/i2c"

I have tried to exectue those two separately and i can say that it is the
first one the one that throws the error. If i don´t put that function the
second one executes correctly but later on i can not open the device file.

I have no idea how to solve it. Thanks in advance
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