Anybody using Windows 98 for RTEMS GNU tools?

Silverio Diquigiovanni silverio.di at
Thu Aug 30 06:25:44 UTC 2001

Hi Maarten,

> The getting started .pdf manual states that Windows 95 is not suitable for
> compiling and debugging RTEMS in Cygwin...  Since the document is quite
> I was wondering if this is still true?  I am using Windows '98 and would
> like to use it just to get started with RTEMS until I install Mandrake 7.2
> (think this is a good choice?) ...  I would still like to use Windows '98
> for other work (can't dual boot all the time)...

> Is anybody successfull using all the GNU tools in Windows 98 for RTEMS?
> Can you please give me tips for getting started - had problems with
> Cygwin...

I use GNU tools either in a W95 & W98 station without problems by some
months. I've downloaded the rpm gnu tools from OAR ftp and then I've
created the target tools for SuperHitachi microprocessors. The latest
version of Cygwin work fine in W98, you can download it from

I've a make list but unfortunately she is in italian language. However
I attach that to this e-mail perhaps you can understand something.

To manage the rpm file of gnu tools you must install the rpm manager
which isn't in the Cygnus package. If you want I can send you the
.tgz file (it is circa 4M).

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